
The last 6 weeks have provided us with a life not "normal" prior to the Now. They have brought a variety of significant challenges, wins, gains and losses - no matter how big or small. And interwoven through it all - a common theme I've seen play out in various ways - Perspective.

In Social Work, perspective is talked about and studied in another way - through Lenses. We are taught that in order to be the most prepared, most effective, and most successful, we MUST be able to see the world from a vast array of different lenses. This doesn't necessarily mean you agree with the lens from which another is seeing things, but to fully understand the situation, the empathy and ability to view life from this 'different' lens is crucial.

To be honest, seeing the various, opposing, different - call it what you will - lens is the easy part for me. Making sense of all of them all - now THAT is the difficult part. And then add on, Verbalizing. This is even more difficult and uncomfortable. Some people love a good debate and love a good confrontation - me, not so much. It is pretty much my hell. I love to listen and to analyze. I love to play the devil's advocate. I love to 'look through' a different lens. But to make sense of them all - well, see above. Maybe that is why I often choose to 'hide' behind a camera.

Right now, I feel like every lens is skewed. My own lens - some days I feel like I am able to conquer the quarantine way of life, and "leaving" this life will be the biggest challenge yet. Other days, all I want to do is leave. "Dear God, make me a bird, so I can fly far....far, far away from here." Some days my heart is so big with all the good taking place that all I can think is, Wow. We are so very lucky to be part of such a significant time in history. Other days, all I can this is....WTF is happening in this world?

Just some of the lenses that are currently taking shape in my brain:

The political sides. The partisan war that is a deluge of "the he said, she said bullshit." (P.S. I really hope you sang that to the tune of Limp Bizkit.) But it is someone's reality. Right or wrong, left or right, or somewhere in the middle.

The essential worker - in the front lines of a world-wide pandemic - think about that - world-wide. Risking their life day in and day out so that I can sit here and write this blog from the comfort of my kitchen table.

The Senior who feels they were gypped from some of the biggest moments of their life.

The Student being forced into a new way of learning. Struggling to stay motivated. Struggling to care or see the purpose. Or.... loving every minute of no longer having to be in a crowded school feeling out of place and alone.

The Teacher finally being seen for the challenges they face day in and day out teaching OUR kids. Working harder than ever to stay connected to their students - but being forced to do so while managing their own life and emotions.

The Husband working from home, seeing the in and outs of a household they maybe they never quite knew - or didn't care to know. Managing a job - that may or may not be there in a month - family security, coworkers abilities and inabilities in this new work environment, a wife and kids all filled with emotions and issues that because they are on top of it 24/7 may pose unchartered challenges.

The sister with a 6 year old strong-willed only child with no outlet but her mom - a husband trying to work from home - a 50 pound puppy - and a sense of simply staying afloat. Trying to stay sane, and find the wins in each day, without being buried under a house of what may feel more like chaos than anything else at times.

The furloughed or unemployed - just trying to survive.

The families with no internet to do their so called "virtual school".

The patient alone and scared.

The family members and friends following the 'stay at home' by the books and the ones who are not.

The volunteers making sure to help whenever and however they can, and those who would love to be that person to take care of all others above themselves, but feel as if giving one more ounce of themselves may just pull them under.

The mom making schedules each and every night filled with art and crafts, baking, school, cleaning, self-care - loving every minute of having her whole family home....and the mom unable to do much more than get out of bed and make it through another day beginning with coffee and ending with wine...again.

The child not understanding the concept of time, of severity, of change, of quarantine - only knowing the world around them in the moment.

The teenager simply missing friends. That's it. Just missing friends.

The emerging adult that thought living alone was the amazing start of becoming an adult, yet has not truly interacted with another person, on a physical level, for the last 6 weeks.

The therapist working overtime because their clients are slipping and relying on them to keep them afloat but wondering who is there to keep them afloat these days.

The people ready to jump back into an fully functioning way of life and the people waving from behind their window shaking their head in disbelief.


The list could go on and on for days. And these are simply the lenses taking shape TODAY, during the present-day. Not the prior lenses that have helped shape each of these situations. Not the lenses that will take shape tomorrow. And going back to the top - even the write-ups are from MY lens. Good, bad, right, wrong, agree or disagree. They are mine.

But most importantly, these lenses shape who I am....who you are....who we are.

Listen. React - internally or externally - then listen some more. Talk. Form an opinion. Realize it is YOUR opinion. And then listen some more. Move with intention. Show up. And then listen some more.

So let's not forget. We all are coming from our own lens. It is what makes us human. Try not to fault others for being who they are. Try not to fault yourself for being who you are. It isn't easy, isn't always realistic, and isn't always achieved. And that is okay too. Sometimes the cluster-fuck of lenses is the most brilliant.

And maybe, just maybe - attempt to view the world around you from a new, or different, lens from your own.

The 'world' around me as viewed from different perspectives
- and lenses - literally -
than from what I usually work. 
Yes, I am standing on my kitchen table. Don't judge.
New 'staples'.
The Resort.
My Shadow.
Living "On Island Time"
Staying afloat.
Free Spirit Wild Heart.
The Office.

This entry evolved from photographs taken over the last week. Not sure what I would do with them all, a theme that hit home began to develop and take shape.
And there are more than a few pictures because...
well, who cares, just because.*


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