A Week of More

It's been almost a week since my last post.
A week of More.
More Coronavirus.
More homeschool.
More online grad school.
More updates.
More zoom calls.
More stressors.
More laughter.
More tears.
More food.
More alcohol....
More change.
More of the same.

I've been all over the map with emotions. Some good, some bad. At times I've really enjoyed  this "slower-paced life" and at times I've been BORED OFF MY ASS. Like banging my head against the wall kind of bored. Like wandering through my house going through all the things I could be doing, but then again, don't really want to. It's amazing how just the simple "option" to go somewhere, do something, or see someone (outside the 4 walls of your home) can make all the difference in the world. Even if you don't actually do anything, just the option - well, it's there. And now it is not, and it is continually felt.

I do believe there is good in recognizing this absence. I can agree with those that have said maybe "the world" needed a wake up call - even if that call is to simply be thankful for what we had/have/will have again - to be forced to take a break - to finally give the air, ground and sky a break. There is definite truth in this line of thought. (Have you noticed how quiet it is outside at night? If not, then you should take a listen. It is noticeable, and it is brilliant.)

And to those that are NOT receiving a break, but in fact are working day in and day night, for the rest of us....Good god, I thank you, from the depths of my being. I am not the one out there in the trenches. My family is safe. My family is healthy. My family is whole. I have it good - this I know.

But if I am being completely honest, in between those thoughts of positivity, you can probably find me somewhere banging my head against a wall.

Over the past week we have all found different ways to entertain ourselves and pass the time. At times it is with work, school, movies, TV, yoga, walks, breakfast, lunch, dinner (and snacks in between). At other times it is through individual projects. Each one impresses me in a different way and makes me both proud, and happy, to watch unfold.

Here is a peak at what has been taking place inside the Franks house over the past week (in between the head banging).

The Artist:
Between school work, movies and The Office (and often at the same time), this one collages.
She collages her friends, her family, her hobbies, her inspirations, her loves....
- who SHE is -
And then she collages some more.
Even her "quarantine-journal" is a combination of collage and writing.
It's beautiful.

The Huge Heart:
When she heard masks were needed, she was on it. A pattern was sent by Grandma (and even more fabric is on it's way!), but she found what she could and started sewing.
There's been some tears and some broken needles, but in between everything else...
- She is always thinking of others -
It's beautiful.

The Son:
Seeburg DS160 Jukebox.
It was given to him by his parents to restore and to enjoy.
She has been with us for over 20 years. She has moved with us in all 14 of our moves.
Only when we went overseas, was she put into storage.
And for the last 20 years she has been in pieces.
- Until now -
With the passing of his Dad last year, he made it a goal to finally get her restored.
With the help of the experts, he got her parts moving.
Over the past week, he has taken on the task of putting her back together, all shiny and "new".
I know he did it for his folks, for his Dad especially.
And I know his Dad is smiling and proud...
- with every record that plays -
It's beautiful.


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